Sunday, 7 December 2014

Your old Laptop Batteries could now power slums in India : Study by IBM India

According to a new study by IBM India,  discarded laptop batteries  still have enough life  in them to power slums in India. This means your old and useless batteries could now lighten a bulb in someone's home.According to Researches at IBM India , about 50 million Lithium-ion laptop batteries are discarded every year and this effort by IBM India could be a great example for the term "REUSE". According to a study done by  MIT Technology , it is possible to combine LED lights with Solar panels and rechargeable , however using discarded batteries this cost even gets cheaper.

"The most costly component in these systems is often the battery ", said Vikas  Chandan , a research scientist at lab's Smarter Energy Group , who led the project.
" In this case the most expensive part of your storage solution is coming from trash." said Chandan.

                But Has IBM tested this thing..?        The answer is Yes.

 The IBM Group working with a hardware R&D firm called the Radio Studio , opened the discarded laptop battery packaging  and extracted individual storage units called cells. They then tested them individually to pick out the good ones and combined them to form battery packs which could be used as a single unit, They added charging Dongles as well as circuitry to prevent overheating. What they did is that they gave them to five users in Bangalore who lived in slums or operated sidewalk carts. And three months , those five users gave a positive response that the battery packs had worked well. This technique could lighten many slums in India  without any heavy cost involved and we hope that this new study should be practiced and  power someone's home......!!

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